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Didit ID

Didit ID is a privacy-first proof of humanity identity

Secure and anonymous proof of humanity that keeps your digital life private and your data protected.

200,000 +

Number of users

190 + Countries

global coverage


your data is yours

Didit App

Sign in anywhere with your verified identity

One secure identity lets you access everything online. Your data stays private while proving you're uniquely human.

The future of digital identity

Didit is creating a world where access to a global economic system and a secure identity is democratized, regardless of your location. This vision empowers individuals to interact freely with a universal system, granting them full control over their privacy and data.

How to get the Didit ID

To verify your humanity, you only need to follow these three simple steps.

Download the Didit App

Verify your identity

Enjoy you Digital Identity

Frequently asked questions

Leading the way in proving your humanity