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Didit's universal login: a single profile for the entire Internet
Didit NachrichtenNovember 13, 2023

Didit's universal login: a single profile for the entire Internet


With Didit's universal login, users can enter and operate with the same profile on any website or application that has integrated the solution.

Didit's universal login allows users to enter and operate on any website or application that has integrated the solution with the same profile. Thanks to its universal login, the user only has to access the desired service and log in with a single click.

We've all had the same problem many times. You return to a site where you haven't been in a while - a hotel booking page, a news portal, even a social network you've abandoned - and you can't remember the password. This is where the tedious recovery process begins. You click on 'Forgot Password', enter your email (if you remember which one you used) and wait for a link to enter a new password. Sometimes the email doesn't arrive or takes a long time to arrive, while you despair.

Having dozens of accounts and passwords on the Internet is a hassle. It makes navigation difficult, turning it into the opposite of a fluid experience. But it also has other detrimental consequences for the user and, in general, for companies that operate web services. The accumulation of passwords leads to frustration for people, who often neglect security.

One of the holes that attackers exploit to enter a user's account is the weakness of their password. Now many services require a strong password, but they can't prevent it from being repeated in different accounts. This way, if one of them is discovered, the others are also exposed.

Registering for every new online service is very inefficient, both for security and convenience. In addition, it is a barrier to entry for users and makes companies lose potential customers. With all this in mind, Didit has been developed with a universal login component that allows a user to log in to any website or application with the same profile.

Didit as a first step to eliminate unnecessary passwords

As a recurring problem, different formulas have been tried to tackle the multiplication of passwords. There are managers that allow us to store all our credentials. They integrate into the browser and when visiting a site, they allow filling in access data without having to remember them. However, this is a partial solution. You don't need to remember passwords, but this doesn't eliminate the need to register on new websites.

From the identity point of view, the problem has been addressed through federated solutions such as Google Login, Instagram Login, or Apple ID. With these features, you can access a new service without creating a registration, using your existing Google account, for example. But these types of companies are not identity providers. They have other interests and other businesses. And they also don't have user data structured to share it properly with different applications and services. When using Google Login, the user automatically shares their name, email address, and profile picture.

Didit's proposal is different. As a global financial and identity solution, it is oriented towards any website or application. Only a simple integration via API is required. From there, the user can access the site only with their blockchain wallet, which is linked to Didit.

On the one hand, Didit acts as a bridge between websites or applications and users' wallets. The solution has been developed so that any wallet can connect and serve to protect the data that will be written. These are stored in 'data containers' but are completely encrypted and only the user can access them with their private key.

With the same wallet, enriched with the functionality offered by the solution, the user can access any website. Didit's goal is to become the identity layer of the Internet, filling the gap between users and applications and services.

On the one hand, Didit serves as a bridge between websites or applications and users' wallets. The solution has been developed so that any wallet can connect and be used to protect the data that will be written. This data is stored in 'data containers', but is completely encrypted and only the user can access it with their private key.

With the same wallet, enriched with the functionality offered by the solution, the user can access any website. Didit's goal is to become the identity layer of the Internet, filling the gap between users and applications and services.

The master key to access any website: Didit Universal Login

Didit's Universal Login component not only allows access to any website, but also allows it with a single click, in a simple and agile way. This ease of use is necessary to make navigation smoother.

The user only has to visit a web page that has Didit integrated, scan the QR code with their wallet app and sign the transaction with a click. Automatically, the data in that account can be shared with the website. Unlike with Google Login, Didit allows for greater control of the information in the profile and easy access to it.

All this data belongs to the user. Only they manage it and have the ability to decide which of it to share and with which application or website to do so. For example, Didit has an infrastructure designed for one-click payments. But for that, financial data needs to be shared. The user can choose to share it with an e-commerce store, but not with a flight comparison site.

In this way, a password is not required for every web service. With Didit's identity layer, users can access any online site with the same profile, without worrying about new registrations or memorizing their credentials.

Do you want to know more about how Didit can help you in your daily life? Explore all the options that our decentralized digital identity solution offers.


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