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Discover How Decentralization Transforms Your Digital Identity
Actualités DiditNovember 13, 2023

Discover How Decentralization Transforms Your Digital Identity


Key takeaways

1. Personal Control: Decentralized digital identity gives individuals total control over their personal data.

2. Enhanced Security: Storing data on a decentralized network increases security and resistance to manipulation.

3. Digital Empowerment: Decentralization empowers users, allowing them to autonomously manage their digital identity.

4. Identity Innovation: Didit provides an innovative solution for digital identity management, focusing on user privacy and authenticity.

Did you know that your digital identity isn't really yours? Your identity on the internet is fragmented into thousands of pieces, and large companies are in charge of guarding them. The main problem is that these traditional centralized systems are exposed to risks, vulnerabilities, and limitations, issues resolved by decentralized identity (DDI).

Technological development plays a key role in this evolution. Thanks to decentralization, individuals have total control over their personal information, eliminating the need for intermediaries to store this data, which minimizes the risk of fraud.

Understanding Decentralized Identity

Technically, we could define decentralized digital identity as an identity infrastructure based on digital identifiers and verifiable credentials that are independent, allowing information exchange in a completely trustworthy environment.

It's necessary to have decentralized identity systems that are interoperable, meaning they allow people to identify and authenticate themselves across different platforms or services using decentralized identifiers (DID), always respecting individual privacy.

Among other things, it's crucial to have humanity tests that verify the person behind the screen is real and indeed who they claim to be.

Pillars of DDI

Decentralized digital identity has three fundamental pillars:

  • Blockchain. Being decentralized by nature, blockchain eliminates the need for a third party.
  • Verifiable Credentials (VC). Authentication that allows the verification and validation of certain aspects of an individual's identity.
  • Decentralized Identifiers (DID). Refers to the identifiers that define a person and are protected by private keys.

From Centralism to Decentralization: A Transformative Shift

The way we manage our digital identity has radically changed in recent years. The era of centralization, where big tech companies controlled our personal data, is coming to an end, replaced by the new paradigm of decentralization.

Previously, digital identity was straightforward. We logged into various platforms using our usernames and passwords (a challenge to remember all), and companies stored all our information on centralized servers. However, this system had many gaps related to data theft and lack of control.

Decentralization offers a completely opposite alternative that empowers individuals. Thanks to various decentralized solutions like blockchain, each person has total control over their personal data. This data is stored on a network, making it secure and resistant to manipulation.

This conceptual shift opens a world of possibilities for new applications and services, like online voting, access to a global economy, or medical record management, among countless opportunities.

Is Decentralized Digital Identity (DDI) the Same as Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)?

Decentralized digital identity and self-sovereign identity are not the same, though they are closely related. Therefore, while they are often discussed interchangeably, there are some differences between the two concepts.

How do they differ? SSI is an approach where individuals have absolute (sovereign) control over their digital identities without depending on centralized organizations or authorities. In contrast, DDI refers to a subset of self-sovereign identity that uses decentralized technologies.

Thus, while both concepts aim to empower individuals in managing their digital identity, DDI specifically refers to an application using decentralized technology (usually blockchain) of SSI principles. Or, in other words, SSI refers to owning and controlling your identity, while DDI focuses on how that identity is stored and protected on the internet.

Didit as a Revolutionary Digital Identity Solution

At Didit, our mission is to humanize the internet. To this end, we empower individuals with a digital identity infrastructure designed to give people complete control over their internet identity, helping to reduce fraud and make the internet a much safer place.

Individuals must pass a humanity test that allows them to verify their identity using NFC technology, which can read the chip of an official document, and biometric techniques enhanced with Artificial Intelligence to authenticate that the person trying to verify is indeed who they claim to be. Thus, individuals have absolute control over their information, deciding at all times whether they want to share information with third parties and what, how, and when they do it.

Join the thousands of people who already manage their digital identity with Didit. 

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