Didit ID
Didit App
Didit vs. Worldcoin
Habari za DiditAugust 13, 2024

Didit vs. Worldcoin


The Didit and Worldcoin projects share several architectural similarities, including a protocol, ID system, app, and token. This overlap is by design, as Didit has drawn significant inspiration from Worldcoin’s approach to identity and finance. However, while these projects may appear similar on the surface, they each take distinct paths in how they approach identity verification, user interaction, and growth strategies.

Worldcoin has quickly become a prominent player in the digital identity and cryptocurrency space. The project is known for its ambitious goal of establishing a global identity network through innovative biometric technology, specifically using iris scans to create unique identifiers for individuals. Worldcoin’s approach to identity verification has sparked widespread debate and scrutiny, particularly around privacy and data security concerns. However, at Didit, we believe that much of this scrutiny stems from a lack of understanding. We recognize that Worldcoin is making significant contributions to the space by driving innovation forward and exploring bold, new ideas.

We also believe that healthy competition is essential for progress. In the spirit of capitalism, competition pushes all of us to be better, innovate faster, and ultimately drive more value to people. We admire organizations like Worldcoin that are pushing the boundaries and doing impressive work in this rapidly evolving field.

Didit Protocol vs Worldcoin Protocol

Identity Verification

Didit uses government-issued ID verification to ensure human uniqueness and data accuracy. Didit offers its verification solutions free of charge to service providers, enabling them to perform KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) checks. Most other providers charge around $1 per verification, but Didit believes identity verification is a fundamental right.         

Built from the ground up, Didit’s solution includes comprehensive KYC and AML components, providing fast verification and an exceptional user experience. The suite covers Document Verification, NFC Verification, Facial Recognition, Reusable KYC, Address Verification, and Document Monitoring to ensure a secure process.

Document Verification supports IDs, Passports, Driver’s Licenses, and Residence Permits from over 220 countries. Advanced AI models detect document fraud and extract data via OCR technology. NFC Verification reduces fraud through cryptographic proofs of MRTD chips. Didit also leads in credential reutilization, allowing users to create and reuse their Didit ID during KYC, cutting verification times by 10x while boosting security and convenience.

For Facial Recognition, Didit’s passive biometric verification ensures top-tier security with liveness detection, deepfake prevention, and precise face comparison.

AML screening checks over 250 global datasets in real-time, covering more than one million watchlisted entities. This ensures thorough screening for sanctions, PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons), adverse media, and other risks, with continuous monitoring after onboarding.          

Additionally, this solution facilitates the creation of Didit IDs, as users can opt-in during the identity verification process.

Worldcoin's identity verification system relies on a combination of biometric scanning, cryptographic techniques, and blockchain technology to establish Proof of Personhood.

The cornerstone of this system is the Orb, a custom biometric device designed to capture and process iris scans. These scans are converted into a unique iris code, which is then linked to a public key, ensuring that each user’s World ID is associated with a unique individual. The process is designed to verify uniqueness rather than identity, meaning it confirms that the person is real and unique but does not identify who they are.

The iris images do not leave the Orb; instead, only the derived iris code is stored on Worldcoin's servers. This design is intended to protect user privacy by minimizing the data stored and transmitted. The World ID is then used in digital interactions, where the system employs Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) to verify the user’s identity without exposing their biometric data. This method allows users to prove they are unique without revealing their iris code or any other personal details, thus enhancing privacy.

To manage and validate these identities on the blockchain, Worldcoin utilizes a Merkle Tree structure. A Merkle Tree is a cryptographic data structure that enables efficient and secure verification of data. In Worldcoin’s protocol, the Merkle Tree is used to record user verifications on the blockchain. Each leaf node of the tree represents a user's verification, and by hashing these nodes up the tree, a single root hash is created that represents the entire set of verifications.

Users can generate Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) to prove that their verification exists within this Merkle Tree without revealing which specific leaf (verification) is theirs. This approach allows users to demonstrate that they are verified by the Worldcoin system (i.e., they have undergone the Orb-based verification) while maintaining their anonymity.

Auth + DataBuilt on OpenID (Sign In with Didit), service providers can request access to multiple scopes from the Didit ID. The Didit Identity Provider is compatible with major authentication services, enabling seamless integration into various applications.Also built on OpenID (Sign In with Worldcoin), service providers can access the “openid,” “profile,” and “email” scopes from the World ID. Worldcoin’s Identity Provider is compatible with Auth0 and other authentication services, allowing for easy integration into applications. 
Digital PaymentsDidit’s payments functionality is not yet live but is expected to launch in the coming months. Once released, service providers will be able to interact with Didit App wallets to enable blockchain-based payments within their applications. Worldcoin has not announced a payments functionality yet, but the recent release of World Chain, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution, indicates future capabilities for processing financial transactions. Worldcoin is also expected to introduce a Worldcoin Pay feature, allowing World App users to make payments using their crypto balances.

Identity Verification response for a service provider in Didit

  "session_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
  "session_number": 43762,
  "status": "Declined",
  "vendor_data": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "callback": "<>",
  "features": "OCR + FACE",
  "kyc": {
    "status": "Approved",
    "document_type": "Passport",
    "document_number": "BK123456",
    "personal_number": "999999999",
    "portrait_image": "<>",
    "front_image": "<>",
    "back_image": null,
    "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01",
    "expiration_date": "2026-03-24",
    "issuing_state": "ESP",
    "issuing_state_name": "Spain",
    "first_name": "Sergey",
    "last_name": "Kozlov",
    "full_name": "Sergey Kozlov",
    "gender": "M",
    "address": null,
    "is_nfc_verified": false,
    "parsed_address": null,
    "created_at": "2024-07-28T06:46:39.354573Z"
  "aml": {
    "status": "In Review",
    "total_hits": 1,
    "hits": [
        "id": "aaaaaaa-1111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
        "match": false,
        "score": 0.7034920634920635,
        "target": true,
        "caption": "Kozlov Sergey Alexandrovich",
        "datasets": ["ru_acf_bribetakers"],
        "features": {
          "person_name_jaro_winkler": 0.8793650793650793,
          "person_name_phonetic_match": 0.5
        "last_seen": "2024-07-20T17:53:03",
        "first_seen": "2023-06-23T12:02:51",
        "properties": {
          "name": ["Kozlov Sergey Alexandrovich"],
          "alias": ["Козлов Сергей Александрович"],
          "notes": [
            "Assistant Prosecutor of the Soviet District of Voronezh. Involved in the case against the Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko"
          "gender": ["male"],
          "topics": ["poi"],
          "position": [
            "Organizers of political repressions",
            "Организаторы политических репрессий"
        "last_change": "2024-02-27T17:53:01"
  "face": {
    "face_match_status": "Approved",
    "liveness_status": "Approved",
    "face_match_similarity": 97.99,
    "liveness_confidence": 87.99,
    "source_image": "<>",
    "target_image": "<>"
  "warnings": [
      "feature": "AML",
      "risk": "Possible match found in AML screening"
  "reviews": [
      "user": "",
      "new_status": "Declined",
      "comment": "Possible match found in AML screening",
      "created_at": "2024-07-18T13:29:00.366811Z"
  "extra_images": [],
  "request_info": {
    "isp": null,
    "ip_city": "Barcelona",
    "ip_state": "Barcelona",
    "latitude": 41.4162,
    "platform": "desktop",
    "longitude": 2.1543,
    "os_family": "Mac OS X",
    "time_zone": "Europe/Madrid",
    "ip_address": "",
    "ip_country": "Spain",
    "device_brand": "Apple",
    "device_model": "Mac",
    "organization": null,
    "is_vpn_or_tor": false,
    "browser_family": "Chrome",
    "is_data_center": false,
    "time_zone_offset": "+0200"
  "created_at": "2024-07-24T08:54:25.443172Z"

Main summary:

  • Identity Verification: Didit uses government-issued IDs, while Worldcoin relies on biometric iris scans via the Orb. Worldcoin does not offer it’s verification solution to other service providers.
  • Auth + Data: Both use OpenID, but Didit offers more scopes for service providers.
  • Digital Payments: Didit’s payment functionality is upcoming, while Worldcoin’s is pending, with potential through World Chain.

Didit ID vs World ID

AuthenticationBuilt on OpenID (Sign In with Didit)Built on OpenID (Sign In with Worldcoin)
ScopesOffers a comprehensive set of scopes, including openid, picture, names, email, phone, gender, nationality, document_details, birthdate, address, bank_account, preferences, is_verified, is_over_18, is_over_21, instagram_account, x_account, tiktok_account, and offline.Limited to the openid, email, and profile scopes
Refresh TokensSupports persistent access through the offline scope, with the ability for users to revoke access anytime via the Didit App.Not yet supported
On-Chain IdentityNot yet supportedAvailable through World ID Router and Identity Manager smart contracts
Proof of PersonhoodAchieved via Government-ID verification through the Didit Protocol, with NFC verification used where possible for cryptographic document verification.Achieved by visiting a Worldcoin Orb and completing an iris scan using the Worldcoin Protocol Identity Verification

POST userinfo response from Didit:

  "sub": "212a7ef2-f934-47e2-94eb-907b94c9d443",
  "picture": "<>",
  "names": {
    "first_name": "Alejandro",
    "family_name": "Rosas Garcia",
    "full_name": "Alejandro Rosas Garcia"
  "email": {
    "email": "",
    "is_verified": true
  "phone": {
    "phone_number": "+34123456789",
    "is_verified": true
  "gender": {
    "sex": "MALE",
    "is_verified": true
  "nationality": "ESP",
  "document_details": {
    "type": "PASSPORT",
    "issuing_country": "ESP",
    "document_number": "123456789",
    "personal_number": "123456789",
    "expiration_date": "2022-12-31",
    "issuing_authority": "HM Passport Office",
    "front_image": "<>",
    "back_image": "<>",
    "is_nfc_verified": true
  "birthdate": {
    "date": "1990-01-01",
    "is_verified": true
  "address": {
    "full_address": "Calle Viladomat, 2, 08023 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain",
    "street": "Calle Viladomat",
    "number": "2",
    "postal_code": "08023",
    "city": "Barcelona",
    "state": "Barcelona",
    "country": "Spain"
  "bank_account": {
    "number": "GB03SDNO58754297408866",
    "swift": "SSTTGBX9",
    "country": "GB",
    "is_verified": true
  "preferences": {
    "language": "en",
    "currency": "usd",
    "time_zone": "GMT+1"
  "is_verified": true,
  "is_over_18": true,
  "is_over_21": true,
  "instagram_account": {
    "uid": "123456789",
    "username": "alejandro",
    "email": "",
    "profile_url": "<>",
    "profile_image_url": "<>",
    "public_metrics": {
      "followers": 1000,
      "following": 1000,
      "posts": 1000
    "is_verified": true
  "x_account": {
    "uid": "123456789",
    "username": "alejandro",
    "email": "",
    "profile_url": "<>",
    "profile_image_url": "<>",
    "public_metrics": {
      "followers": 1000,
      "following": 1000,
      "posts": 1000
    "is_verified": true
  "tiktok_account": {
    "uid": "123456789",
    "username": "alejandro",
    "email": "",
    "profile_url": "<>",
    "profile_image_url": "<>",
    "public_metrics": {
      "followers": 1000,
      "following": 1000,
      "posts": 1000
    "is_verified": true

POST userinfo response from Worldcoin:

	"sub": "0x2ae86d6d747702b3b2c81811cd2b39875e8fa6b780ee4a207bdc203a7860b535",
	"<>": { // deprecated, will be removed in the future
		"likely_human": "strong",
		"credential_type": "orb"
  "<>": {
    "verification_level": "orb", // "orb" or "device"
  // if email scope is included:
	"email": "", 
  // if profile scope is included:
	"name": "World ID User",
	"given_name": "World ID",
	"family_name": "User"

Main Summary:

  • Authentication: Both Didit and Worldcoin use OpenID for authentication, enabling seamless sign-in.
  • Scopes: Didit offers a wider range of scopes, including detailed personal and social media information, while Worldcoin is limited to openid, email, and profile.
  • Refresh Tokens: Didit supports persistent access via the offline scope; Worldcoin does not support refresh tokens.
  • On-Chain Identity: Didit does not yet support on-chain identity, whereas Worldcoin offers it through smart contracts.
  • Proof of Personhood: Didit uses government-issued ID verification, while Worldcoin relies on biometric iris scans via the Orb.

Didit App vs World App

Onramp & OfframpNative integration with the lowest fees in the market. Bank transfers and card deposits are accepted, depending on the country.Available through third-party services with relatively high fees. Bank transfers and card deposits are accepted, depending on the country.
WalletNon-custodial EOA (Externally Owned Account) wallets with passkeys for authentication and signature initiation.Non-custodial smart contract wallets.
Gasless TransactionsSupported for permit-based tokens.Supported.
SwapsSupported via Uniswap pair routing.Supported via Uniswap pair routing.
Manage IDAllows management of Didit ID.Allows management of World ID.

Didit Token vs World Token

LaunchedNot yet launched.Launched on July 24, 2023.
UtilityThe token will serve as the primary means of value distribution to network participants. Additional utilities will be gradually introduced post-launch.Primarily used for value distribution among network participants and will also be utilized on the World Chain.


Although Didit and Worldcoin share many structural similarities, their approaches to identity verification, user interaction, and growth strategies diverge significantly, highlighting their unique contributions to the digital identity space.

Didit emphasizes a broad and inclusive identity verification system based on government-issued IDs. This approach supports a wide range of use cases, particularly in scenarios requiring verified identity data. By integrating with service providers for KYC and AML processes, Didit not only ensures thorough verification but also positions itself as a comprehensive solution that is freely available to service providers, promoting widespread adoption.

Worldcoin, on the other hand, is pioneering the use of biometric technology, specifically iris scans, to establish Proof of Personhood. This method addresses significant challenges such as preventing sybil attacks and ensuring that each user is uniquely human. While this approach has sparked debate, particularly concerning privacy and data security, it represents a bold step toward scalable, privacy-preserving digital identity verification. Worldcoin’s use of Zero-Knowledge Proofs further enhances user privacy, allowing individuals to prove their identity without exposing sensitive biometric data.

Both projects incentivize the creation and use of their respective IDs through token rewards, yet their strategies reflect their differing priorities. Didit’s focus on offering its verification solution for free to service providers aims to accelerate network growth and foster greater adoption. In contrast, Worldcoin’s strategy centers on the global adoption of World ID and the integration of its token into decentralized financial systems, laying the groundwork for broader digital financial inclusion.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital identity, both Didit and Worldcoin are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Their innovations, driven by competition and a shared goal of enhancing human value, are paving the way for a future where secure, accessible, and verifiable digital identities are a fundamental part of global interactions.

Woman using smartphone technology



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