Didit Consumer Terms and Conditions



Before you start using our App, you must accept these terms and conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully, together with any other terms made available by us from time to time, as they control your use of our Products. These terms and conditions tell you who we are, how you and we may change or end the contract between us, and other important information. By accepting them and using our Products you’re agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not understand or do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should not register for an App account and you should delete the App from your device. You should also read our Privacy Policy.

We recommend that you save and/or print a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference.

We are “Didit”. When we talk about “you” in this document, we’re talking about you as an individual using our Products for private and non-commercial purposes only, except as may be expressly allowed by the functionality of our App or allowed by us in writing. When we talk about a “third party” we mean anyone who is not you or us.

If you want to use Didit as an organisation or business (“organisation”) or on behalf of an organisation, you will need to accept and comply with the organisational terms and conditions presented to you when creating an organisational account or when accepting an organisational profile.

1. Your Agreement to these Terms and Conditions

Didit helps you to prove who you are, online and in person. Only you control what identity information you add to your account and you alone will decide when you want to use your App to identify yourself to a third party. You choose whether to agree or not to share the information a third party requests. See all the details under the terms of service published here: Terms of service kyc.

If you decide to share information with organisations using our Products, we reserve the right to charge them for receiving that information.

Didit also allows you to process payments. See all the details under the terms of service published under: Terms of service wallet.

Didit may from time to time create, develop and introduce additional features, functionality or services to our Products and, if necessary, we will update these terms and conditions accordingly as required.

2. Before you create your account

Provided you accept and continue to comply with these terms and conditions, Didit grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable condition to use our App that can be revoked at any time.

To use our Products, you must be (and you promise to us that you are) over the required age in your territory to give consent by yourself for processing of your data (this age varies from territory to territory, but in the UK and the US is 13). If your territory does not have a minimum age we set it at 13 (and this is the case for India). If we believe or verify that you have not told us your true age (or have not received parental consent if required by your local law), we may suspend your use of our Products until you have provided us with acceptable proof of age (or parental consent). We advise parents and guardians who allow their children to use our Products that it is important to communicate with their children about their safety online.

Each person can only create one Didit account. You will be able to add new identity documents to your existing App account.

3. Creating and adding data to your account

Having downloaded our App, to create your account you will need to register with your preferred login method. See all the details under the terms of service published under: Terms of service wallet.

If you want to verify your identity, you will be required to go through the verification process. See all the details under the terms of service published here: Terms of service kyc.

All account creation instructions given during the account creation process (and any amendments or updates to those processes) also form part of these terms and conditions.

4. Sharing your information

You alone will decide when you want to use your account to identify yourself to a third party, or to swap, send or request personal information (as may be allowed by the functionality of the version of our account that you are using). Whenever an organisation or other individual asks you to share information through your account, you always get to decide whether to accept or not. We encourage third parties who use our services to only ask for the minimum information required, and reserves the right not to do business with third parties who ask for more information than they need.

Whenever you share information with a third party, you and the third party will each receive a receipt, showing the information shared. The receipt will be available in your account.

We may allow you to add and accept attributes from certain third parties into your account, for example university degrees, professional qualifications, employer references, landlord references and so on. You must only add or accept third party attributes to your account that are current, relevant, genuine and accurate – you must not add or accept third party attributes to your account or share any attributes using our which do not fulfil such criteria or which are out of date. We may suspend your use of our and/or terminate these terms and conditions if we know or reasonably suspect you to have not complied with the previous sentence. Some of these third party attributes that you can add or accept to your account can be verified, for example by your university, professional organisation, employer or landlord. We will make it clear to those individuals or organisations you wish to share a third party attribute with as to whether or not the relevant attribute has been properly verified by the relevant third party (i.e. your employer, landlord, university etc.).

5. Closing/deleting your account

You’re able to close at any time.

We reserve the right to immediately suspend your account and access to our account and to terminate these terms and conditions, and therefore your right to use the Products, without responsibility or liability to you if, in our sole opinion, you are not complying with these terms and conditions, or if you disrupt our Products or if your continued use of our Products is harmful.

We reserve the right to terminate some or all of our services, and therefore your right to use the Products, at any time at our discretion and without responsibility to you on providing you with at least 30 days’ prior notice through the account.

If you or we close your App account, you will lose access to your account and to all of the information and services associated with it. We may need to keep your sharing receipts for regulatory reasons. Any third party you shared information with through the service will still have those details (in their own receipts) after you have closed your account.

Once your account is closed, we will delete from our server all identifying attributes, all biometrics you used, all other ‘non-identity’ attributes (such as email), any associations to pages and applications created (the pages and applications themselves are not deleted).

Whether your account is closed by you or by us, you should delete the from your device promptly following closure of your account.

6. Privacy and security

Any personal information that you provide to us will be processed strictly in line with our privacy policy, which is available atPrivacy Policy.

7. Intellectual property

Didit products contain some valuable intellectual property, trade knowledge and other confidential information. This means that you must not do any of the following:

  • -Copy, sell, give, assign, or market our Products to any third party;
  • -Modify, reuse, disassemble or decompile our Products or any part of it;
  • -Reverse engineer our Products or any part of them (this means analyse our Products in order to work out their function or structure, whether with or without the intention of re-creating or modifying them); or
  • -Translate or create derivative works (adaptations) based on our Products or any part of them.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, only Didit owns or is the licensee of all intellectual property, know-how, trade knowledge and other confidential information in or arising out of or in connection with our Products.

8. Account availability

We aim to ensure that you are able to access and use our account and Didit Products at all times. However, your use of our App and Products may from time to time be interrupted by maintenance, repairs or updates or other factors which we may not be able to control and we cannot guarantee to you that they will always be available. We will do our best to notify you of such situations as soon as possible after we become aware of them, but we will not be liable under any circumstances for any loss or damage caused as a result of such interruption of availability of our App and Products, other than as set out below at section 10 (Our responsibility to you).

9. Your responsibilities

You are at all times responsible for making informed decisions about sharing your information with third parties and for considering the implications of doing so. Didit has no control over what third parties do with the information you choose to share with them through the account and therefore accepts no responsibility or liability for information misuse on their part.

If you choose to use the account to share your information with a company in order to access or interact with services they provide (such as buying or selling online), you should also review that company’s terms of use, privacy policy or any other terms governing your use of that company’s sites, services or resources, and make sure you comply with them. Didit has no control over the contents or performance of any third party sites, services or resources, and accepts no responsibility for them, for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them, or for any refusal by such third parties to provide you with products or services. Same with the payments product.

You are responsible for making sure that all your information associated with your account is accurate and up to date.

Be aware that you must:

  • -not use or interact with our Products if you intend to commit any unlawful, fraudulent, dishonest, anti-social, unethical, abusive, threatening or invasive behaviour;
  • -use our Products only for your private use and non-commercial purposes (except as may be expressly allowed by the functionality of the App or otherwise allowed by us in writing);
  • -not damage, interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of our Products in any way;
  • -not offer in any manner, sublicense, lease, sell or otherwise make available our Products or any of their services to any third party without our prior written consent;
  • -not use or interact with our Products in any unlawful, fraudulent or dishonest way or for any improper purpose.

If we know or have reasonable grounds to suspect that activity by you breaches this section, we reserve the right to take all appropriate action to investigate and to deal with the consequences of a breach.

10. Our responsibility

Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits our liability either: for your death or personal injury if it’s caused by our negligence; or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation (this means if we deliberately and knowingly make a false statement or representation with the intent to deceive or without belief in its truth or recklessly as to its truth). We will also take responsibility where we are required to by applicable law.

Didit is not under any circumstances liable to you for:

- any losses that were not caused by Didit;

- any business losses or liabilities: including loss of profit; loss of income; loss of goodwill (this means the good reputation enjoyed by a legal entity); loss of anticipated savings; loss of data; loss of business; business interruption or loss of business opportunity, however caused;

- any credentials provided by third parties to your account or a third party’s account which you rely on; or

- any data breaches by third parties with whom you chose to share information.

If you breach these terms and conditions, we are not liable to you for any loss or damage you may suffer because of your breach.

From time to time we might need to update our Products, for example, to improve the services we offer to you or for security reasons. We reserve the right to update, modify or terminate our Products or your access to them for any reason, without notice, at any time, and without any legal responsibility to you. To use the most up-to-date functionality of our Products, you must download any updates we make available. You will be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer by continuing to use an outdated version of the Products. We do not guarantee that our Products will work with all devices and operating systems and we are not responsible for maintaining the compatibility of our Products with all updated or new operating systems and devices.

We hope it never happens, but it is possible that something we have no control over might happen which makes it impossible for you to use some or all of the services provided through our Products, such as a strike, riot or natural disaster. Although it is unlikely that this will happen, if it does we will try to inform you about it and to minimise any disruption to your use of our Products, including by taking mitigating measures, but we will not be liable to you for any loss of functionality or use.

11. Legal Contact Information & Member Support

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us using hello@didit.me.

//End Terms of Service//

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